Monday, August 16, 2010

Makes me wanna SHOUT! Get spots out of your carpet, asap!

I was practicing my walk in my new practical stilettos when I saw it! NO! A flaw! A nasty little stain on my carpet that called for quick thinking!
Here are some quick thinking tips that will pop that stain right out!

5 tips that get spots out of your carpet:

Try SHOUT laundry and stain remover with a cloth or old tooth in a jiffy!

Spot clean the stain with club soda. Then have a glass yourself and relax!

Dab with a baby wipe or WET ONES for mild stains.

Use a cap full of vinegar and blot with with a clean cloth.

Oopsie! Dropped the nail polish on that new shag? Nail polish remover works fine to get polish stains out of the carpet.

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